Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fair Weather Sketches (Day 1)

This is the week of the Midland County Fair. The local comics shop, Collector's Corner was gracious enough to let me set up at their table to do so more sketches. 

Determining a winner depends on the adaptation. If it were Godzilla vs. The Megazard, the victor is Godzilla no question. Megazord is just a robot, it'd be like tearing into an aluminum can.
But if it was Godzilla vs Zyuranger's Daizyujin, it'd be Daizyujin no question. Godzilla is a dinosaur with "god" in his name, but Daizyujin IS a dinosaur deity.
Yeah, the Sentai is weird like that.

The nipple-less Hulk returns!


Michelangelo with his first love, pizza!

Lara Croft.
I gave a picture of boobs to a teenage boy. I feel like I've just given a gun to a maniac.

Ashly, Reed, and Danyele.
These guys were willing to stand still for a long time!


Wolverine sans mask


Kyth and Brandon. Another portrait! 

Tanner as a cowboy. Theres something about these portraits! 

Another Olaf!



Zombie Deadpool

The Joker

A simple sunflower was the best way to end a rainy day. 


I set up a tip jar at my table. I should have thought of this a long time ago! 

Sketch ya' later!


  1. The Godzilla drawing is awesome. And I'm still laughing at the Lara Croft quote. When it scrolled into view I was already questioning why the person didn't pose with it. Then, once I read your comment, kind of understood. LOL.

    1. Actually, Lara isn't with her requester because there was a big obstructive shadow in the shot that I didn't notice until I got home and figured I didn't need to include it.

      But if you've found a way to make that incompetence look like genius than I'll except that explanation!

  2. Erik once again....great illustrations Sir!!

    1. Thanks Brian. Always warms my heart to hear feedback from other artists.


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