Friday, September 26, 2014

Creature Commission Cover

I caught a bit of the Halloween Spirit when Brian commissioned me to do this cover, saying "Do whatever you want". It took me a while to come up with what do, until I saw the Creature figurine on my desk and decided. "Eh, why not?" (Hear me talk more about this Creature toy on the Geek Fallout podcast here! )

Since posts about process get more views and comments I'd take you step by step through how I drew this cover.

Rough pencils to establish the most important shapes

Then I establish the darkest shadow eras and after that the finer details.

Then I repeat the process, but in reverse. 
With my brush pen I draw in the darkest shadows.

Then I fill in the small details with Micron pens.

Finally I double check to make sure I haven't missed anything 
and bumping up contrast between thin and thick lines as best I can.

In the meantime, I'm thinking about doing some rough sketching without necessarily preparing for a project, so that can be better figure out what it is "I want to do" for something like this in the future. Just trying to cultivate my artistic identity. Its weird having a blind spot on something so personal like "what do you like to do?"

Also I'm still taking suggestions and commissions for Halloween.

Sketch ya' later!


  1. Incredible work Erik! The creature is just a classic. Great choice.

    1. Thanks Derek! I hope to have some more monsters completed soon.

  2. That is one of the best thing I have seen you do and as a fan of the CREATURE, I am extra picky about his art.

  3. Mighty fine work! A perfect tribute to 60 years of the Creature!

  4. Great job Erik! Gil-man would be proud.....

    1. Thanks. But knowing that Brian Lapsley is proud is more than enough for me!


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