Friday, April 4, 2014

Project Progress: Party of Two

Greetings Patient Viewers!

You may have noticed that I dropped off the map for a while, only popping in every so often with editorial posts about design in film and television. The truth is over the past few months I've been involved with a project for Nickelodeon Studios, working on character art for an upcoming "Spongebob Squarepants" product. Thats probably as much as I can say before the official release. Trust me, once I get the A-OK to talk about it, you will all know. 

Now that I don't have my nose to that particular grindstone, I'm trying to get my sea legs back doing daily sketching and weekly blogging. 

Meanwhile, heres some color sketches for a new illustration I'm developing. Its the story of two shy people finding each other slowly getting to know each other away from the crowd. 

Now I'd like to hear from you. Which sketch do you think is the best? What would you like to see me draw for my future sketchbook shares? 


  1. I like number 1. With my eyes moving from left to right, I see the party then notice the outsider figures which makes for a nice visual reveal. I also like that they get a little more scenery around them, and that allows me to get a better sense of the tranquility around them which juxtaposes the party.
    Although, number 2 gives you a great opportunity to really play up the facial emotions.

    1. I appreciate the use of the word "tranquility". It caused me to realize that much of my work is very reference reliant and detail focused, so something viewed from a distance could be a healthy and beneficial exercise.

      On the other hand, this peer review also caused me to realize how #1 is rather distant, whereas #2 makes it very clear what elements are supposed to be important.

      Hm... plenty of think about now. Thanks!

    2. I was actually thinking along the same lines as Dave here Erik. Saw the first image on FB and like the color and the composition of the party and then didn't notice the couple at first. But that's what was moving about the moment. The party goes silent in my imagination as I notice the two ghostly figures on the steps outside, enjoying themselves alone. Looking at the image you experience first the loud cacophony of the party, the heat and the energy of that... and then the sudden, quiet intimacy of the couple outside. I like that the way they're huddled together you almost imagine its a little chilly out there compared to inside... like they've gone out for some quiet and cool night air.The paleness of the figures makes them stand out from the darkness of the dancing crowd. You lose some of that in the following images color-wise and composition-wise.

    3. I'm blown away by such colorful commentary that each of you have to offer. This is exactly the kind of feedback I've been looking for in blogging.

  2. First of all, congrats on landing some work with Nick Studios! Very cool.

    My fav is #3. Something about the man's hands placement sells it for me. Like a shy dude getting his shot at talking to a girl at a big party. #1 and #2 give me more of a couple feel - as if they are already together. #3 feel more like two people meeting for the first time. IMHO.

    1. I'm amazed that I didn't even notice that little detail that I drew myself. I guess I got all wrapped up in how to depict the environment. These comments about body language might just change everything. Thanks!

  3. I think #2 & #3 have more potential for introducing a characters. The first one is nice, but better to show off a scene with more established characters since the focus is the setting more than the people. And as Nerd Out With Me says, the postures in #3 are just lovely. The woman's posture has just a hint of hesitation about it, showing the place within the steps of getting to know the man.

    1. To think I almost didn't scan in #2 and #3 because I was so sure that #1 was ideal. (Especially after narrowing these three down from at least thirty rough thumbnails) Then I thought "No, no. Best shop it around to see whats best".

      Looks like that was the right call. Thanks for your input!

  4. I think each of them tells a different story. I change my story with the change in perspective. Oh and congrats on the Nick thing. How long were you keeping that under your hat? You are living your dream, my brother.

    1. Each one a different story huh? Sounds like I could milk this one for a while. hahaha.

      I was approached about working for Nick on January 31st. I mentioned it on Facebook and got at least 20 "likes". I just figured that covered everyone I knew. Sorry you missed that news.

  5. I am so happy for you Erik. I can't wait to hear more about the work you are doing with Spongebob. I am always thinking about you and wondering what you are up to.

    I saw these images on FB but I am still so torn on which one I like the best. I like 1 and 3 but the second one really speaks to me. The first one looks as if they are talking and you don't quite notice it at first, which is ok. And then the second one looks more intimate like they are looking up at the stars and talking. The third seems as if the two people are just getting to know each other and the character on the right is maybe nervous to be sitting next to his partner in conversation. All I know is that the illustrations look so nice and crisp I want to jump right in and be a part of it all. lol I hope you are doing well and congrats again!!!

    1. Thanks Michael! Its great to have such supportive friends.

      One and three seem to popular alright. Might have been interesting to post all thirty of the original sketches to see which was the people's choice.

      I'm starting polish up the details for the final, which means I'm a little bit nervous, wanting to make sure that everything turns out right.


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